
We need you help! Our trusty old POS (Point of Sale) is frequently crashing on us, and has been diagnosed irreparable. We need to raise $20,000 to purchase, install, upload, and launch a new POS ASAP before we are SOL. This amount is not in our 2023 budget. Please consider donating today, all amounts are meaningful.

Central Oregon Locavore Non Profit is a year-round, indoor farmers market located in Bend, OR and we have over 20 ranchers, 15 farmers, and 100+ local food vendors that sell their products direct to consumer through our marketplace. We host the largest selection of locally-raised, grass fed meats in one location in Oregon.

We also manage 5 educational programs including WWOLF (Willing Workers On Local Farms) volunteer on farm work parties, Locavore Food School home preservation how-to’s, Locavore Farm School vocational introduction to high school age kids, Edible Adventure School seasonal gleaning education, and Small Farmer Support Program.

Our model is unique in all of the United States and we are proud of how effective and beloved our organization is in our community. Central Oregon Locavore is a gem, not all communities are lucky enough to have a direct to consumer marketplace of nutrient dense, organic, fresh, and flavorful foods.

We are asking your help to keep our marketplace going, for if the POS crashes, we may need to close until we can purchase and install a new one. We want to avoid that at all costs!

Locavore is a 501(3). Your donation is tax deductible to the extent of the law.


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