Edible Adventure Crew presents: Stone Fruits at Kimberly Jam Jam

What: Group caravan to Kimberly, OR where we will "jam" on over to Thomas Orchards to harvest peaches, nectarines and plums. Thomas Orchards is a minimal spray operation, but not certified organic. It is very, very difficult to grow stonefruit organically, however. Their fruit is absolutely amazing! Join us and see for yourself. When: Sunday, August 12th at

Potato Diggin' Day

     Edible Adventure Crew Potato Day at Rainshadow Organics Join us for a day of digging potatoes at Rainshadow Organics, just outside of Terrebonne for a day of potato gleaning. The potato harvesting tractor has run through the fields and left behind lots of great potato scores, so come on out and get you some! 

Edible Adventure Crew

When: July 14th, 8am to 5pm Where: Kimberly Orchards, in Kimberly, OR What: Carpool to Kimberly Orchards and enjoy a discounted price for all of their delicious fruit Registration required to attend

Edible Adventure Crew – Medicinal Plants in Your Backyard

Edible Adventure Crew presents: Medicinal Plants in Your Backyard!  Join Holly Hutton of Herbal Goddess Medicinals for an intimate and informative plant walk at Juniper Jungle Learning Farm. Participants will learn how to identify and safely use common Central Oregon plants in order to support their health. Registration is limited to allow for social distancing.