What: Group U-Pick Blackberries along the banks of the Salmon River in Oakridge, OR When: Sunday, August 5th at 8:15am the caravan leaves Where: Meet at Central Oregon Locavore 1841 NE 3rd Street Drive to Oakridge via Hwy 97 and Hwy 58 Once at Locavore, we will figure out car-pooling arrangements. If you have
What: Group caravan to Kimberly, OR where we will "jam" on over to Thomas Orchards to harvest peaches, nectarines and plums. Thomas Orchards is a minimal spray operation, but not certified organic. It is very, very difficult to grow stonefruit organically, however. Their fruit is absolutely amazing! Join us and see for yourself. When: Sunday, August 12th at
Please follow the ticket link to register, so that we know how many in the WWOLF pack to expect! The WWOLF program provides organized volunteer assistance in the form of volunteers, or “wwolf packs” to local farmers at their farms or ranches. In return volunteers learn where and how local food is grown while fostering