At Locavore, we provide healthy,
nutritionally superior foods for humans of all sizes,
even the tiny ones.
At Central Oregon Locavore, we believe that optimal nutrition should be accessible for humans of all sizes, starting from the very beginning. Just as nutrient-dense local food nourishes growing children and adults, breastmilk serves as the equivalent of local food for babies, providing essential nutrients tailored specifically to their needs.
In collaboration with the lactation team at St. Charles Medical Center, we offer a thoughtfully curated selection of breastfeeding support products designed to help mothers achieve their breastfeeding and breastmilk feeding goals. As the Central Oregon Northwest Mothers Milk Bank Distribution site, we provide local families access to donor breastmilk for infants in need, ensuring every baby receives the nourishment they deserve.
Additionally, we carry high-quality baby formulas, exclusively featuring European recipe options, which offer a wholesome alternative to standard American recipe formulas. At Locavore, we’re committed to supporting the health of both mothers and babies through quality nutrition.
If you have something that you would like to see carried at Locavore, please feel free to let us know! Email
Donor Milk Program
Locavore is Central Oregon’s only donor breastmilk distribution site
At Locavore we provide healthy, nutritionally superior foods for humans of all sizes, even tiny humans.
What is donor milk?
Donated breast milk is very safe; it comes from mothers that have pumped more milk than their own baby can eat. Before mothers can donate milk, they are tested for any illness that could pass through their breast milk. Each container of milk is also tested for harmful bacteria. The donor milk is then pasteurized to eliminate any infecting organism that could be present in the milk by the Northwest Mothers Milk Bank in Portland, OR. A small percentage of nutritional and immunological properties are destroyed by pasteurization, but pasteurized milk retains many of its beneficial properties. It contains tremendous special properties that cannot be duplicated by commercial milk formulas.
How do I access donor milk?
In order to purchase donor milk, you must have your babies doctor, or your midwife fax in a prescription. You can access a downloadable prescription form at the NWMMB website located here.
Breast Feeding Support
For breastfeeding support contact St Charles Lactation Services at 541-706-4924 or visit the Central Oregon Breastfeeding Coalition Website.