Willing Workers On Local Farms (WWOLF) WWOLF is a community program of Central Oregon Locavore Non-Profit with the goal of lending a hand to small farmers while educating the community about the true nature of local food. How It Works You will meet the group at Mahonia Gardens in Sisters at 9am. After a round
Willing Workers On Local Farms (WWOLF) WWOLF is a community program of Central Oregon Locavore Non-Profit with the goal of lending a hand to small farmers while educating the community about the true nature of local food. We have revamped our program to adhere to the recommendations set forth by the Oregon Health Authority, CDC, and Gov.
Make the trip to Thomas Orchards in Kimberly for a day of fruit picking! Thomas Orchards a scenic drive away and is located along the beautiful John Day River. They expect to have freestone nectarines and peaches, plums, early apples and pears available for picking. How it works: We will meet at Thomas Orchards in Kimberly,